Project Model Developed – SEPTEMBER 9, 2012
Project Started – December 25, 2012
PREMISE: KYRGYZSTANI Youth are aging out of the orphanages and are being forced into situations of poverty, homelessness and crime. Statistics for success are dim – as only 1/3 of the youth graduating from an orphanage find success as an adult. They other 2/3 end up trafficked for sex trade, into drugs and alcohol, found having committed suicide or end up in prisons. Most youth are NEVER heard from again once they leave the orphanage. This situation must be addressed and Jeremiah PROJECT is one small effort in helping youth who have been in an orphanage and part of our work while working in Kyrgyzstan – to be supported in those vulnerable years after orphanage graduation. Since most youth are graduated at grade nine from the orphanage, they are too young to move successfully into adulthood. We want to be there for those we can. Therefore we have developed a project – called JEREMIAH PROJECT.
Vision – Jeremiah Project: It is the vision of LAMb International that graduating orphans from Kyrgyzstan become successful contributing members of society. We envision the youth having strong moral values, a living relationship with Jesus Christ and a desire to serve others just as they have been served.
Mission of Jeremiah Project: The LAMb Team commit to developing a pilot project where we can demonstrate strategies, programs and activities which help youth become successful and achieve the vision of Jeremiah Project. We will work with community leadership, churches, government offices and other NGO’s to further this project beyond the size and scope of just Jeremiah Project.
We see the project as a demonstration of what can be done to help youth through those vulnerable years after orphanage graduation. (We also believe this project can be replicated in other developing countries and intend to share the model with those wanting to develop a similar project.)
Jeremiah PROJECT has three separate parts to the program;
the Jeremiah Drop In Center,
the Jeremiah House, and
the Jeremiah Steps apartments.
They are described as follows:
Mission of Jeremiah Drop In Center: The drop in center is a non-residential center which provides assessment, training, counseling and referral resources for youth from orphanages who have graduated or will soon be graduating from the orphanage and are in need of supportive services. Jeremiah Drop In Center will offer crisis counseling, emergency support where available, referral services, and in extreme cases the center will offer crisis overnight supervised housing (when available).
Mission of Jeremiah House: LAMb International will work to meet the needs of graduating orphaned youth placed into the Jeremiah program, assessed to be ready and needing placement at Jeremiah House, a structured and supervised residential center for graduating youth. LAMb will work to ensure youth are safe, nurtured and protected as they seek solutions of education and permanency for each youth. Each graduating orphaned youth will find permanency in the program and will be guided to interdependent living through the teaching of critical Life Skills.
This mission will be accomplished by ensuring full assessment, Individual Development Plans, Life Skill training and building connection strategies are utilized from the day of placement and will continue until the permanency/independent living goal is achieved and implemented.
LAMb is committed to proving the most family like, community-based, relationship focused program possible. The foundation of the program will be to introduce and build upon a relationship with Jesus Christ, thus ensuring each youth is given an opportunity for spiritual development as they move toward independence.
Mission of Jeremiah Steps: : To provide hope and dignity to institutionalized youth by helping them achieve independent living by “practicing” independence in Jeremiah Steps apartments.
Through assessment from Jeremiah Drop In Center or Jeremiah House, youth will be identified who are able to function in a less restrictive environment than the more structured Jeremiah House. These youth will be re-integrated successfully into community-based living where they will live interdependently with one or two other graduating orphanage youth.
Structure will be provided in the Jeremiah Steps apartments (owned by ILDC/LAMb) and youth will be guided to continue moving toward self-regulation. Jeremiah Steps will guide youth to housing, resources and adult living separate from the resources of Jeremiah Project and Jeremiah Steps.
Youth at Jeremiah House are learning, developing and moving forward with their lives.
Yet, this following question has been a big one for us. “Will our helping actually help – or will it build dependency?”
So much has been said recently of “how helping really hurts.” We have seen this as well, and have heard youth say things that confirm how past helping has really built an entitlement attitude.
We are working to help youth understand and appreciate hard work, serving and growing in knowledge and skills.
LIFE SKILL PROJECT Chickens and Selling Eggs
Our Jeremiah Youth have 65 chickens and are gathering eggs daily. This provides an income for the youth, helps to fund some of their activities and teaches them to manager a project that requires lots of attention!
We know the youth at Jeremiah House have a limited time to learn Life Skills. They learn to cook and to clean as well as the other life skills mentioned. Yet we know youth need more than this. We offer them educational help, counseling, and spiritual guidance as an ongoing activity in the home.
They have a weekly cell group, assigned responsibilities, weekly life skill lessons, and many more learning opportunities to develop their interests and talents.